I don't know how to title this. There's a bit of a different perception of the woman's body here. Breasts aren't something to be ashamed of. For a pelvic or rectal exam we pull a screen, or offer some privacy, but for any exam where the breasts are bared we don't. Dr. F complained about this at the start. But its not out of insensitivity its that the breasts aren't seen that way here. There is no stigma to a pregnant or just delivered woman lying in bed uncovered. And there's no stigma to breast feeding. In fact one of the problems with getting HIV +ve mothers to not breast feed (aside from the cost) is that she is so expected to breast feed her child that if she doesn't the community would question if the child is hers, and rumours abound, so many HIV positive mothers choose to breastfeed in spite of the risks.
I'd think, being somewhat of a crazy feminist, Dr. F would be rather glad at this, the stigma isn't there, its not immodesty just a bit more liberation. But to our western minds I geuss it can be wrong because its different?
I guess I mostly found the stigma about not breast feeding interesting, and it fits in the context of the rest.